Matching Challenge - Capital Funds
Matching Challenge - Scholarship, Worthy Student Funds
A Challenge for YOU! Support CF Richards Christian School NOW!
Friends of C.F. Richards Christian School have prayerfully started a fund of $3,000 to inspire matching gifts from others to support our school. The funds raised will be used for capital improvement projects or scholarships for students - your choice! Won't you make a contribution to CFR's matching challenge part of your year-end giving? Our goal is to increase our gift 10-fold and raise $30,000 to provide student scholarships and make important repairs to our 60-year old school building.

Capital Improvement Funds
C.F. Richards Christian School was constructed with love by hardworking members of our local churches in 1959. In order to keep the facility in good working condition, we have many necessary and planned projects.

Immediate Projects
Repair of gym roof to prevent water seeping into gym wall, $6,900
Prepping and painting the wall at the back of the gym and exterior of the school, $5,000
Long-Term Projects
Parking Lot - milling and paving, $30,000 (the school has already raised $8,000).
Replacement of old stage curtains and blinds in the gym, $4,500
Future project - upgrade air conditioners (cost TBD)

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