Matching Challenge - Capital Funds
Matching Challenge - Scholarship, Worthy Student Funds
A Challenge for YOU! Support CF Richards Christian School NOW!
Friends of C.F. Richards Christian School have prayerfully started a fund of $3,000 to inspire matching gifts from others to support our school. The funds raised will be used for capital improvement projects or scholarships for students - your choice! Won't you make a contribution to CFR's matching challenge part of your year-end giving? Our goal is to increase our gift 10-fold and raise $30,000 to provide student scholarships and make important repairs to our 60-year old school building.

Scholarship Funding - CFR's Worthy Student Fund

-Several of our CFR families have been affected by job loss and other hardships during the Coronavirus pandemic.
-Other families want their 4 children to attend CFR instead of public school because of the stress of the pandemic but cannot afford the tuition.
-CFR has no more funds to provide additional scholarships for this school year despite the desire to serve any child who wants a Christian education.

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